ランチコース Family style set menu

¥3,000/お一人様 per person(税別/tax not included)


※This lunch set is for two or more. It’s family style set menu. Most of the food will be served on a big plate and you need to share the food.

1. 豚肉の汁そば
2. 生春巻き
3. 空芯菜の炒め物
4. 鶏肉の香草グリル
5. タイカレー(レッド、グリーン、イエローの中からお選び下さい:2~3名様につき1種類)
6. お好きなソフトドリンク

1. Soup noodles with pork spare ribs
2. Fresh spring roll
3. Stir-fried water spinach with fermented soybeans
4. Thai style grilled chicken with sweet chili sauce
5. Thai curry (Please choose one from Red, Green or Yellow curry)
6. Soft drink (Please choose one soft drink from drink menu)
7. Today’s dessert